Unser Repertoire








Amazing Grace

Angels watching over me

Blessed assurance


Come and go

Come, all who thirst

Do Lord, remember me

Down By The Riverside

Daniel was a Praying Man

Elija Rock

Eternal Christmas

Free at last

Get You Ready

Glorious Kingdom

Give me that old-time Religion

Go down, Moses

Good News

Go tell it on the mountain

(Leonard Cohen)

Happy and free

Hail Holy Queen

Hambani kahle

He`s got the whole world

Heaven is a Wonderful Place

Hear my cry, oh God

I sing holy

I'm gonna sing

I`ve got a feeing

I`ve got  Peace like a River

I stood on the river of Jordan

I will follow him

Jacobs ladder

Jesus is my Salvation

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho

Just over in the Gloryland

King of Kings

Kum ba ya

Lenas song (Fly with me)

Let Us Break Bread together

Lets Praise the Lord

Lord, Hold Me Now

Lord, I want to be a Christian

Michael, row the boat ashore

My Lord what a morning

Night of Silence

Nobody Knows the Trouble I`ve seen

Now Let us sing

Oh Happy Day

Oh my lovin` brother

Oh, Mary don´t you weep

Open up wide

Rock my soul

Rise and Shine

Shall we Gather at the river

Sing and shout

Sing Halleluja


Sometimes I feel

Stay with us

Sunny Light of Bethlehem

Swing low, Sweet Chariot

The Lord of the dance

The Rose

Wade in the water

Walk in Jerusalem just like John

Was`n`t That A Mighty Day?


When the love comes trickalin`down

Who built the ark?/
The old ark`s a-moverin


 Gospelmesse  "Body + Soul" von Lorenz Maierhofer

Body an Soul

Now at the Name of Jesue

I sing Holy

I´ve got a Feeling

Now at the Name of Jesus


There is one more day

Well, I´m gonna sing

What a Happy Day

Who knows where we are going

Who knows, where we are going

Waiting for the Lord










