Unser Repertoire
Amazing Grace
| Angels watching over me |
Blessed assurance | Calypso |
Come and go | Come, all who thirst |
Do Lord, remember me
| Down By The Riverside |
Daniel was a Praying Man |
Elija Rock
| Eternal Christmas
Free at last
| Get You Ready
Glorious Kingdom
| Give me that old-time Religion
Go down, Moses
| Good News
Go tell it on the mountain
| Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)
Happy and free
| Hail Holy Queen
Hambani kahle | He`s got the whole world
Heaven is a Wonderful Place
| Hear my cry, oh God
I sing holy
| I'm gonna sing
I`ve got a feeing | I`ve got Peace like a River |
I stood on the river of Jordan
| I will follow him
Jacobs ladder
| Jesus is my Salvation
Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
| Just over in the Gloryland
King of Kings
| Kum ba ya
Lenas song (Fly with me)
| Let Us Break Bread together
Lets Praise the Lord
| Lord, Hold Me Now
Lord, I want to be a Christian
| Michael, row the boat ashore
My Lord what a morning
| Night of Silence
Nobody Knows the Trouble I`ve seen
| Now Let us sing
Oh Happy Day
| Oh my lovin` brother
Oh, Mary don´t you weep
| Open up wide
Rock my soul
| Rise and Shine |
Shall we Gather at the river
| Sing and shout
Sing Halleluja
| Sinnerman
Sometimes I feel
| Stay with us
Sunny Light of Bethlehem
| Swing low, Sweet Chariot
The Lord of the dance
| The Rose |
Wade in the water
| Walk in Jerusalem just like John
Was`n`t That A Mighty Day? | Wheels
When the love comes trickalin`down
| Who built the ark?/ The old ark`s a-moverin
Gospelmesse "Body + Soul" von Lorenz Maierhofer
Body an Soul | Now at the Name of Jesue
I sing Holy
| I´ve got a Feeling
Now at the Name of Jesus | Thanks
There is one more day | Well, I´m gonna sing
What a Happy Day | Who knows where we are going |
Who knows, where we are going
| Waiting for the Lord |